What we do when we start thinking…
We have been collaborating for over a decade on a long term photo project of our own. The Pennsylvania Project will ultimately document life in all 67 counties of the state of Pennsylvania. We are up to County #43. We were asked to design a poster to publicize the most recent exhibition of our work. This is what we do when we start thinking about design…
A wonderful nationwide organization called ‘Girl Develop It‘ recently sent out a call for a logo redesign for the Philadelphia Chapter. The Request for Cool Designs (RFCD) resulted in dozens of submissions. Girl Develop It is dedicated to advancing technological and programming skills among women of all ages. Respondents had to incorporate various features of the existing logo as well as something that immediately said ‘Philadelphia.’ This was our design:
They did not choose it (sigh). But they did choose an equally fun, informative, carefully designed logo, one which we are proud to have competed against. That said, we really, really like the binary code we included. We do not speak binary, but we are happy to know that some people still do.
We can sum up a mood or a thought or a sentiment in one image. One logo. Or one whimsical holiday card: